Looking for the Green Man
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The Green Man is a mythical concept of the spirit of the forest, frequently depicted as a Man’s face, usually from middle aged to elderly, appearing out of the wild forest. His face is always encompassed by leaves, vines or flowers seeming to be literally born out of the natural world. He is a representation of the wildness in nature and a symbol of growth, rebirth and the cycles of the seasons and life.
This work humanizes the mythical concept of the Green Man as consort to mother earth as a reminder of the importance of the natural environment on this planet creating a link to art and nature and the appreciation of the natural world.
Thank you to all the workshop participants:
Sharon Woolever, Linda Frank, Allen Jennings, Marge Jennings, Evan Vasquez, Grace Vasquez, Barb Mater, Jenn Buckley, Sue Buckley
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