Botanical Gardens (Buffalo News)
The Buffalo News - Leaf Man (October 2017)
'Leaf Man' among nature sculptures in residence at Botanical Gardens
By Mark Sommer | October 6, 2017
The new pieces of art at the Botanical Gardens blend effortlessly with the nature surrounding them. The 16 sculptures are intended to accent the plant collection and help see the familiar in a new light.
Every Day Armor Project
A Community Sculpture Project inspired by the symbolism of armor and self, using the breastplate as a metaphor for community and the shield for individual voice.
Read More About It! Read about the "Every Day Armor" project at Ontario County Arts Council
Art Exhibit features "Green" Work ( Rochester News - - Channel 8 ) 09/27/2012
This is an article and video interview on and News Channel 8 about an art exhibit Kim Belavia and other artists shared works of art about going green and what it means to them!
Tea Paper Diaries ( TEA A Magazine - Winter 2005 )
As an artist the purpose of my work is to give form and contrast to the notions of being.
Kim Bellavia thinks that nature and natural environment in which we live, is a reflection of who we are as beings. Her artwork is the process of creating abstract interpretations of the natural world in the relation to the human experience, depicting how nature and human nature weave themselves into the intrigue of life and the entropy of existence.